ABC Primer – Rainbow Series
PreSale March 30 – April 01
Opening Friday March 30 at 5 pm at Magazijn, Amsterdam

We just finished a silkscreen-printed poster series, that is an alphabet (26 different posters), translating our commissioned work and using the whole spectrum of the rainbow.

Using the ABC-Primer of design 'principles' (A is for Awareness, B is for …etc.), originally written for the exhibition on the identity for De Hallen Haarlem, we (re-)appropriate our design solutions, typography and aesthetics from works made for several commissioners. Playing around with characteristic, distinctive or typical elements and re-using these in a different context, resulted in this poster series containing a colorful remix of sketches, ideas, projects and proposals.

Purchase / information on (will launch after the PreSale).

Magazijn, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 153, 1012 ES Amsterdam
Open on saturday March 31 and sunday April 1 from 1200 to 1700 hrs