Notes on Happiness

'Notes on Happiness' is the result of a collaboration with artist Alex Farrar, concluding the trilogy following 'Wimper' and 'Sweat.' Compact in size, not larger than a phone or other personal items like a notebook or wallet, the physical presence of the book engages in an intimate exploration of the theme of 'happiness.' The text, authored by Alex Farrar based on conversations with people around him on the topic, is complemented by a series of illustrations by Daniel Jacoby, resulting in a vibrant work (70 x 100) where the covers are skillfully sliced.

Produced in offset and bound after multiple prototypes and trials with various binders at Agia, all under the expert guidance of Stefano van der Knaap (at Zwaan Lenoir). The paper used is from Fedrigoni. Published by Japsambooks and available for purchase.